The Impact Journal by FROO

A Blueprint For Daily Success

Bring Your Goals to Fruition

The Impact Journal maps out a research-based system for achieving goals. This tool acts as a guide to help people discover true ambitions and to plan out their primary objectives. Above all, it provides individuals a pathway to focus on, and commit to, daily actions that drive success and well-being.

Step 1: Discover What Matters

To help people set exciting, long-term goals that really matter to them, the journal begins with a series of introspective questions that prompt users to highlight previous accomplishments, currents interests, sources of inspiration, their personal definition of success, and more.

Step 2: Set Your Goals

From there, it’s time to set goals. Based on research out of Stanford University, The Impact Journal encourages users to focus on three long-term goals in particular, and then guides them in detailing the importance of each goal and the positive impact that will be had in achieving them.

Step 3: Design Your Plan

Following the goal-setting section is an exercise for users to create an ironclad plan of attack. This exercise is intended to clearly define daily action-items that unlock progress. In addition to this, the planning section also includes elements of shaping identity and cultivating a growth-oriented mindset.

Step 4: Win The Day

This is what it all comes down to; small, incremental wins that lead to one successful day after another. Capitalizing on the structure and direction this tool provides, users can put their plan to action and begin to develop behavioral patters that bring goals to fruition and prepare them for a bright future.